I used to live in a shelter in Toronto. Met a lot of people and we were all broke. Broke people can be friends.. but when I started getting my life together and saving money, I told only some of my friends how much I had. I don’t know if they told other people out of jealousy or what but people I barely knew came out the woodwork asking to borrow money. They and even my friends gave me the cold shoulder when I refused.
I guarantee you it will be the same if you have a substantial amount of money. People get jealous and start acting entitled to your money because they have less.. and that’s not ok. Don’t let ANYONE make you feel bad or guilty if you don’t want to share.. truth is, they have the same opportunities as any of us here and they don’t take them.
You are the ones who wake up everyday, earn your money and learn how to invest it. You don’t owe anyone! Even your own family can turn on you.. matter of fact, I’m 35 and I have found family to be the least dependable and the ones who will stab you in the back the most (Not going to apply to everyone obviously)
Stay safe and focused my people!
submitted by /u/FractalImagination
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