No this is not a joke. I laughed out loud when I opened my email from them. The email said something along the lines of:
“Thought you might be “interested” in this (this gives you a sense of their humour) as you’ve been talking about investing a lot lately. Check it out.”
It was a link to one of those garbage promotions for a limited time (usually 3 months max) where you get a “high” interest rate for locking your savings with them. Here’s the best part: THEY WANTED YOU TO LOCK THE FUNDS FOR A YEAR. FOR 0.5%!!! I mean come on people.
Unfortunately, if I even attempted to explain stablecoin pools to them, their heads would likely explode. People have no idea what power crypto holds. Couple that with the potential of DeFi and it’s easy to see why regulation is getting stuffed down our throats. Who in their right mind would settle for these promotions if they knew what was really out there?
submitted by /u/deathtolucky
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