There’s this opinion going around that you need to invest a lot to begin with to get significant returns, that at the current state of the market it’s unlikely for BTC to go 100x up and so on…
No, your $100 abdolutely won’t magically grow four more zeros and of course you need 100k to get to $1,000,000…
BUT who said you can’t make 100k through crypto?
Someone may object – $100k from $100? That’s still super unrealistic!
No, not from $100, from $50k.
Someone may ask — And where’s the $50k coming from?
From $10k you earned through crypto.
But $10k is still a long way to go from $100!
Not from $100, from 200, then from 500 then from 1k…
My point is there are plenty of money-making opportunities in crypto. They are literally all over the place.
There are crashes to buy into every once in a while, parabolic runs, alt seasons, airdrops, emerging projects, anticipated updates of old projects, halvings, rumor/news situations, and so on and so forth…
If you play your cards right and avoid doing major mistakes, you can get closer and closer to a 10x away from your life-changing money, then to a 5x away, then to a 2x away…
Crypto IS life-changing money. If you’re here, you’re already ahead of the curve!
submitted by /u/inevitable_username
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