I did a little math for you, see below
Lets say the USDC is paying out 9% interest yearly and you have 5,000$ worth of USDC
9% of 5,000 = 450
450 divided by 12 months = 37,50 paid out at the end of each month
After the 1st months payout you will have a total of =
In the second months payout, the 37.50 you earned the first time around, will net you even more interest = 37.78 and your total will be 5,075.28
Third month = 38.06 and your total will now be 5,113.34
This is called compound interest, hopefully, you get the gist of it
Compare this to your local banks savings account and you get 0.03% interest a year, LOL
Stop losing money to inflation and get in on the fun.
Now give me an upvote because I hate math and I did this for you-all 😅.
submitted by /u/nikil1253
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