Open your vaults because moon week 19 is on November 3rd. If you don’t know how to, you can learn how to open a vault here. Even if you don’t have many upvotes, you should definitely open a vault because moons are going to be more scarce in the future. Moons might not be worth much today, but they will definitely be worth a lot in the future as there’s great potential for moons to be put on an exchange after which it will be worth a lot in the future.
You can also grab some free moons from the moon faucet here. A moon will most likely be worth way more in the future, so you should definitely stock up! Moreover, you get a 20% bonus each month for holding your moons and 5% bonus for voting on governance polls and 1.25% for each poll you vote after. You shouldn’t miss out because ultimately it’s free money! Open your vaults, because who doesn’t like free moons?!
submitted by /u/michaeljpec
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