I’m reposting this here in case it gets “moderated” on r/coinbase. I know that Coinbase is not the most popular on this sub, but the fact of the matter is that they are a huge player in our community. Additionally, CB Pro is the easiest route to onboard/offboard fiat that I’ve found.
Downbase has been disabling trading for YEARS when prices of crypto skyrocket or drop. Of course, historically this has always been chalked up to “scheduled maintenance”, “server issues”, or an error on the user’s end. The case is the same today, yet no where on their maintenance page is any scheduled.
How is a, now publically traded, company allowed to continually and habitually commit fraud like this with no repercussions?
Edit* Manditory – Not your keys, not your coins. At the same time we still need to onboard/offboard somewhere!
submitted by /u/Thrashgasm9ho7
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