Here’s a little thought experiment.
If you were offered 1 million dollars in cash for your current portfolio — all of it, even the dust, — would you take the deal? But you can’t buy crypto in any way until 2022.
Most us probably would, understandably.
Now let’s make the choice a bit harder:
The offer is the same — all your portfolio for 1 million dollars. But this time, somehow, you can’t buy any crypto for 10 years (yes, even Monero).
Now you’re thinking…
The ultimate question — you’re offered all the same conditions, 1 million dollars, but you have to give crypto for ever — never buy or obtain, directly or through intermediaries, any crypto (yes, MOONs too).
You’d still come across articles about crypto bull runs and dips and crashes, unprecedented all time highs, flippenings, moonshots and all that stuff — you wouldn’t look for it, but the way the media is things like that would just pop up. Your friends and family would eventually bring crypto up in conversations with you…
Tldr: So, would you give up on crypto for life for $1M now?
PS: Although my portfolio is far from 7 digits, I wouldn’t take the the deal for 3 reasons. First, I’m strangely confident my handpicked bags of alts can do better than that in the long run. Second, I wouldn’t want to deny myself the possibility to invest into crypto further, even those staking, DEFI lending apys are hard to beat. And third, this thought experiment has shown me I’m not in it entirely for the money, not entirely for the tech, — for the most part, I’m into crypto for the ride 🎢🚀🤘
I hope this little thought experiment gave you some perspective.
submitted by /u/inevitable_username
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