Title says it, June 20 I decided to buy CRO with a big amount (atleast for me it is), $250. I saw a lot of potential and I still do in Crypto.com coin because their marketing is absolutely next-level and they are doing it how it needs to be. I told some friends of mine to invest in CRO and they did. Most of my friends invested except me.
Why? I am 17 years old and that is too young to buy at crypto.com exchange the KYC. Its just annoying that I can´t buy some crypto like CRO due my age. I asked my mother to use her ID for one time and she said no. My parents are against cryptocurrencies & stuff so it was a big deal to ask. Again, most of my friends are under 18 or have no verified account so I couldn´t ask for them to buy with the money I deposit to their banking account.
I just wanted to get this off my chest that I missed a chance to have $2300 profit, with that money I could afford my own laptop for my univesity but sadly I missed it.
Thank you if you read this to the end. <3
Posted again to prevent limit.
submitted by /u/BerthjeTTV
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