Good day ladies and gentlemen, this is your host DEDSEC on air reporting the latest dramas and beef that take place on the cryptoverse.
In this episode I bring it to you live in 1Inch drama that has been taking place in their telegram chat for the past couple of hours.
The issue at hand would be the unlock if 214,000,000 1Inch tokens being added to the circulating supply of the project without any announcements in a single day.
An unlock was scheduled for Dec 31st as per their own site but they seem to have failed to flow it causing investors to be even more worried.
The Russian telegram chat has been locked due to alleged “bot attack” and the admin states “this fud will not make anyone better”
1inch declined to comment on the situation with us but we will make sure to update if there are any developments. Thanks for joining the CryptoDrama enjoy your Christmas.
submitted by /u/_DEDSEC_
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