I can’t believe that the front page post about porn coins being “the next big thing” has been so massively upvoted. Is it being brigaded? Or do people think it’s tagged as comedy?
Why the heck would we need a brand new coin to buy porn? If I wanted anonymity then surely i’d use one of the already existing, perfectly functioning, time-tested privacy coins like XMR, DASH or ZCASH? Why would I want to take the extra steps of going to some dodgy exchange to buy a coin that I can solely use for one thing? It literally makes zero sense
Plus, every single of those coins OP listed is an ERC-20 token. I don’t know how many of you are familiar with ethereum gas prices (i’m guessing the majority are) but I don’t really feel like paying hundreds of dollars in gas fees just to see Tyrone bang somebody’s wife. I make transactions with XMR all the time and end up paying a few cents
Unless i’m missing something here then it’s pretty clear that porn coins will NOT be the next big thing
submitted by /u/damnusernamegotcutof
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