I recently learned that Soviet scientists had been working on a information network in the early 1960s, analogous to the modern internet, that was denied funding in the 1970s and therefore never materialized. The National Automated System for Computation and Information Processing (OGAS) was pioneered by Victor Glushkov. While reading a book dedciated to the topic I came across something I thought some here might find interesting.
Glushkov saw the future of soviet economy to be “incrementally organized into a cybernetically balanced network of labor, production, and consumption inputs and outputs” and therefore he saw good reason to “virtualize currency itself and make the exchange of funds take place by “electronic receipt.”” He wanted to remove the need for a hard currency and allow all economic exchanges to take place on the OGAS network. In this original draft paper for the network system he proposed to “eliminate all paper currency, providing in its place wireless money transfers, or a “moneyless system of receipts” over the OGAS network.”
https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/strelka.storage/strelka/2019/4/942180e9-35af-4094-8df1-71fdbe77e3bd/f0577a838a276ca59cab9353ff3a263e.jpg Glushkov is the on the right, sitting in the chair.
The “moneyless system of receipts” sounds familiar doesn’t it? Naturally, had any such system been implemented in the Soviet Union, it would have been totally centralized, but it’s still very interesting to see such early mention of a fully virtual currency. Makes one wonder what a Soviet crypto would have looked like, similar to what China might do in the coming years?
Now that i’ve gotten your attention comrade, the Metaverse is a capitalist illusion, do not venture deeper into the zucc, there is only one true matrix and that is The Slaverse
Glory to Stalinu comrade, this needs to be spread all over, and be proud. As you are opening the roads to the stars for the common man
submitted by /u/SetsukoLinn
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