Ethereum: Went x60
Cadarno: Went x100 (lol @ ada sub for banning me btw when i said it would fall back to 1 dollar)
BNB: Went x70
Solana: Went x333
Dot: Went x20 (possible more since of token change?)
XRP: Went x15 (supressed by SEC lawsuit)
Terra: Went x380
Its clear as day that a lot of alt coins had their time in the spotlight. Claiming that alt season didnt happen yet is very naive and will hurt you more than you think. In worst case, discouraging new people in crypto to get pushed out of the market entirely. Thinking crypto is a “scam” and not staying involved during down markets. This is the BIGGEST mistake you can make right now. Lose interest and not keep researching opportunities for 2022/2023/2024 etc. Losses are temporarily if you belief in the market and invest in prospering projects. But lets not kid ourselves here and say that alt season has not been here yet….
submitted by /u/TehBananaBread
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