So I wanted to make a quick follow up to my previous post about CoinMetro,
A couple of people asked me when they listed which token and I didn’t have the answer at that time. For the sake of transparency and getting everyone the full story, I wanted to follow up.
Another question I got was how did it compare vs ETH so I’ve included that as well. ETH is one of those coins you can buy if you don’t have time to do tonnes of research, but with this list I think you can safely diversify and if ETH ever gets hit hard you won’t be in trouble if you’re diversified.
If you haven’t seen my previous post, it’s about the coin/token picks of a smaller Exchange, CoinMetro, they don’t list a ton of alts, but what they list appears to be very solid stuff, so you can’t really lose with them. Personally I’m not a fan of dog and meme tokens, and these guys only list based on utility, fundamentals and companies they want to work with, I don’t think they even ask a fee to list, they just pick what they think is good for their users to trade.
So in my previous post I had some prices wrong, some by quite a big margin, for example LINK at 1, which should have been 0.22. Prices and multipliers are for 17th of NOV, sorry! But it’s for the general idea, there’s always ups and downs in this market.
Someone from the community made this graphic which includes dates: – they didn’t sign the image so I will respect their privacy. Here’s it in a table:
COIN / TOKEN DATE LISTING PRICE ATH NOV 17 PRICE ETH (list date vs nov 17 mutiplier) LINK JAN 18 0.22 52.88 (239x) 28.36 (127x) 1052 (4.5x) ENJ SEP 18 0.07 4.85 (68x) 2.87 (40x) 200 (22.5x) QNT OCT 18 2.97 428.38 (143x) 247.68 (82x) 200 (22.5x) PRQ OCT 19 0.03 2.61 (86x) 0.64 (20x) 180 (25x) KDA DEC 19 0.19 28.25 (147x) 18.71 (97x) 130 (34.6x) VXV NOV 20 0.18 19.19 (105x) 9.86 (53x) 500 (9x) DNA DEC 20 0.01 2.04 (before listing) 0.08 (8x) 600 (7.5x) FLUX MAR 21 0.07 2.94 (41x) 1.91 (26x) 1600 (2.8x) THT JUL 21 0.011 0.11 (10x) 0.09 (8x) 2000 (2.25x) QRDO 28 OCT 21 3.44 9.81 (2.8x) 7.42 (2.1x) 3944 (1.14x) VSP 28 OCT 21 6.23 79.51 (before listing) 4.48 (0.72x) 3944 (1.14x)
Based on Nov 17, vs ETH, only VSP and PRQ are outperformed by just buying ETH at that time. DNA comes very close.
Last time I did not include DNA, QRDO and VSP. DNA because it was a weird one, it was listed way after they initially started, the project has been going for a couple of years already. QRDO and VSP were only listed very recently. But to keep things fair, like people rightfully asked, I included them this time. What I did not include were other midcaps (mainly defi stuff), majors and their own exchange token, see all their markets here on CoinMetro Markets
Last time my calculations came down to an average of 38x, I won’t recalculate that. My main reason for posting this list is that I think you should keep an eye on what they list and check out those listings. I don’t want to come across as too much of a shill for CoinMetro, but that’s just something they’re very good at. If don’t want to sign up to their exchange you don’t even have to, following their socials should be enough to keep up to date with new listings. Most coins/tokens are on other exchanges or Uniswap. THT is exclusive to CoinMetro and some other tokens might only be on Uniswap like VSP and DNA.
submitted by /u/XRPMoonshot
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