So yeah. I recently learnt I have terminal cancer (stage 4 sarcoma) I’m 39 found a lump in my neck a few weeks ago.
Crypto has been incredibly good to me. I started mining Ether in 2018 and have been heavily into defi and staking since late 2020 needless to say I have done well. But you can’t take it with you. So now I’m going to blow my profits like there is no tomorrow. I have no dependents.
I have Been quiet lurker in this community for quite a while. I have learnt so much here that I have shared with my friends and family. My boomer mum owns a ETH BTC and Matic. They will carry the torch for me.
While I have come to terms with my fate the thing I’m most disappointed by is that I won’t be around to see the inevitable financial revolution that is coming. I’m am very confident I was going to be a crypto millionaire.
Thank you all for this Awesome community. Keep it strong guys!
To the fucking moon!
Edit Thank you all for the kind messages and support! for now I need a break, this has been very emotional. I may make some replies tomorrow
submitted by /u/Unlucky-Nobody
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