We have already dipped down from 30% of our ATH. Lots of FUD has been thrown around and we are still sitting very well at around 48k.
Do yourself a favour and gain some perspective by zooming out and looking at the price 12 months ago or 2 years ago and look at how far we have come.
Majority of us in here believe bitcoin is going up over time otherwise we wouldn’t be here so take the long term view continue to DCA and load up your bags. Sooner or later we will be going parabolic.
Don’t sell your coins to the whales. You are likely to buy back in later with FOMO at a higher price. Just sit tight, take a break if it’s stressing you out and enjoy the ride. You would much rather hold bitcoin than fiat in any market.
Take care legends and happy investing !! 🚀 🚀
submitted by /u/PUMPSII
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