After so many years I finally made it! I am officially debt-free!
Because of university and other personal troubles (aka kids) I struggled to keep my finances in a solid state. So when months and years went by, my debts rose. And as a person who always needs an organised lifestyle and plain surroundings my fear of the future climbed in correlation with my financial situation. As I reflected how to regulate my problem, I stumbled across the world of magic internet money. And as soon as I started to read more about this topic I got more and more excited. For me this seemed to be my only chance to ‚survive‘. And against my actual attitude, I went all in. I put 85% of my investment in MATIC, that was around February, when the price was at 0,05$. And yesterday I sold everything! And you know what? I am fucking debt-free now! There are no more people who are allowed to claim money from me! I am finally free! All the dust, all the tears are gone!
I understand if someone criticise, that it’s the tech that counts and people who are in for the money are just crazy apes who want to get as rich as possible. But try to wear my shoes for a second. I can breath again, without this pain in my chest of failing my life. And I know what some of you might think. And yes, I could‘ve HODL until I was filthy rich but that doesn’t matter for me. Finally I feel like a human being again! Without the chains of debt. And I want to share this experience and celebrate with you! Feel free to tell me your stories!
Merry fucking Christmas to everyone!
submitted by /u/QuantumShot
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