We love and circlejerk about how decentralized our favorite cryptocurrencies are. But when it goes really mainstream, I think that other people wont share that kind of enthusiasm with us.
We still buy products from companies that exploit poor and vulnerable. We will order from Amazon even though we say “fuck amazon” in the same breath. We buy shoes and branded shirts made in Bangladesh by women who work there for a few dollars a week. We buy phones that are made in Foxconn by workers who don’t even have basic human rights.
Do you really think that consumers will care whether their crypto is centralized or decentralized? They won’t. They will use the solution that will save them the most money and will be the most profitable. If it’ll cost $100 to buy something with a super decentralized crypto and $80, I would bet that most if not all people would go the cheapest route.
submitted by /u/DaddySkates
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