A redditor made a 100+ upvoted post today, telling that he sold off his $2000 of SHIB in January. Today he says that it has given him a deep depression because he could’ve been a millionaire if he didn’t sell back then.
The redditor “didn’t even visit his family this christmas holiday”.
If you’re a person who has $2000 to spend on shitcoin gambling, of all things, then you’re already richer than me, and most people on Earth, who eat 3 microwave noodles every day, and can’t afford anything we want. You didn’t even LOSE the money.
Which means nobody feels bad for you, you fucking douchebags with nice economies. Merry christmas.
Edit because some people in comments don’t understand why this is comical
Basically the fact that we finally have a fast growing 10000%+ crypto economy where we have opportunities every day to become millionaires without doing anything, is a high level of fortune and privilege to begin with. But some people just want to whine and complain, and frankly you’re too weak for crypto trading.
submitted by /u/premium-domains
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