Oh no, we are dipping……
Bitcoin plummets below 50k…..many coins are down between 5-10%. there is only one possibly conclusion, it’s the start of the bear market this time, it’s the END!
Oh wait, this has happened 1000s of times before and will happen 1000s of times again.
We are invested in volatile assets, we wants the gains and technology not present across the wider market, better get used to how crypto normally fluctuates.
For all those who may get scared, please remember, Hodling is genuinely solid advice and is repeated so much because it is true. As is the reminder to zoom out and have some patience.
Crypto is on the world stage In a way it has never been before and if the reasons for your investments are still present then you shouldn’t be worried.
If you need distracting from this pathetic dip, maybe go shit post or do something else for a bit.
submitted by /u/woottonp
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