Which coin or token was it and how much profit did you make? Was it a memecoin? Was it an airdrop that you forgot about and found years later?How long did you hold it in your portfolio and what made you take profits at the time that you did?
Obviously the folks who have been in for years and years will have a story about buying BTC or ETH at a crazy price. For those people, I’m most interested in what made you take profits at the time that you did? Hopefully it was for something positive and not a case where you needed the money for an emergency. If you didn’t need the money, did you just not want to tempt fate any longer and you already had made a 10-15x?
What allowed you to HODL through the dips and crashes and how did you achieve your conviction in the project? Was it blind optimism? Did you actually DYOR and nobody could convince you that you were wrong? Or was it pure luck and you bought on a whim and it rocketed up so fast you just rode the quick wave, took the money and ran?
Let’s hear it folks!!
submitted by /u/deathtolucky
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