It is the Genesis block and it is at that moment exactly when the Bitcoin network begins to work. Today, January 3, 2022, it is exactly thirteen years from that moment and, although this fact still goes unnoticed by many, a greater number of people around the planet are more aware of this anniversary.
The first block had a reward of 50 bitcoins, which, as a curiosity, cannot be moved and will never be moved.
Six days after, Satoshi sent an email “announcing the first version of Bitcoin, a new electronic money system that uses a peer-to-peer network in which double-spending a digital asset was not possible. It is completely decentralized and without any server or central authority” and in which he explained how to download the software from, a domain that had been purchased on August 18, 2008.
This event was the Big Bang of cryptocurrencies and as you know, the rest is history
submitted by /u/Minitroni
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