As you should be aware, this post is currently trending and much of the information there is absurd, OP is clearly hating on ALGO.
Complaining about the official wallet? Seriously? It’s the best wallet I’ve used, so simple and works all the damn time.
Poor price action? Your ass. It’s been doing really good. He probably bought loads at 1.8 and higher, and didn’t even mind averaging down.
Community is toxic? Are you kidding me? The Algorand subreddit is really helpful and they introduced me to staking, wallet and everything when I first got into crypto. It is one of the best communities imho
Additional point. How simple is it to become a governor? Name one another coin that puts the ease of use first like Algorand. Same goes for auto staking. They make everything as simple as possible. This is why people love ALGO. Not to mention you don’t have any minimum amount you should be holding for both staking and governance. How good is that? And it’s so cheap to transfer ALGO, again something that’s very useful for people who can invest only a small amount. Ease of use.
submitted by /u/The_SilentSoul
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