Those that signed up for the first round of governance will have received their rewards now.
50,000 transactions took just 20 minutes, with $100 million worth of ALGO distributed. The total transaction fee costing 50 ALGO.
Now whether you have a bag of ALGO or not, its good to see what is possible with crypto and can only be seen as a positive for us all.
For those that aren’t aware, the rewards were around 3.5% for the 3 month locked period – that’s 14.75%APR. Again, this is only another positive for us all. Its well above inflation and considerably more than any bank would offer in a standard savings account.
The deadline for the second round of Governance is the 6th January, so if you’re thinking about locking it in until the end of March you’ve got a couple of days left (depending where you are in the world).
submitted by /u/dmack080288
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