I always planned on going through life being a decent man making a decent living and playing by the rules. Making sure everything I did was safe and calculated and non stressful. Just meander through and die. Such is life and what can you do about it.
Then enter crypto.
I’m 29 and have been semi successful. I’ve always been happy with where I was and never super stressed out about anything. Get the 8-5 M-F job. Log off at 5 every day. Go to the gym. Play some videogames. Got married. Was happy. Figured everything would work out as long as I played by the system.
But man has crypto lit a fire under my ass.
I’ve never been super on top of money. Spent it wisely, got a house early. Been ok with it. But after crypto I researched everything constantly. I consolidated old 401ks. Opened an IRA, maxed out my current 401k match. Sold my house because I had a place to be rent free for as long as I needed for a new house and it wasn’t the best neighborhood to be in. Made a nice return on proceeds. Was able to have a dream wedding from it. Invested a good amount of safe money into crypto. Got a crypto.com card for rewards. Got another simple credit card. Boosted my credit from 680 to 720. Did much better at work since I had new motivation and got raises and promotions from. Love working OT because thats more money to have and invest.
Is my portfolio in the red? Again, yes lol. But I don’t care. Playing the long game and getting all my other finances in order has been part of the journey. Couldn’t be happier with where I am at in life now.
submitted by /u/Rican2153
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