It’s so easy to get stuck on, “oh no, I shouldn’t sell the whole bag because what if it goes up more!” And dammit, you’re right to wanna hold.
But this is a game of making money, and if that’s your goal you need to sell into euphoria
When you’re seeing double digit percent gains on your coin, it’s time to make that trade and sell a little bit of the bag.
There’s usually a nice dip afterwards and you’ll be glad you’ve got the powder to burn.
And if there’s not a dip afterwards, you’ve got 85% of your original bag to decide to hold or sell.
Finally, if the coin truly tanks afterwards then, you have some USDC that’s much more tradable than your ElonCumRocket.
It’s truly a win-win-win
submitted by /u/LunarChickadee
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