As the title says, there was a post recently in the gaming subreddit that was claiming that NFTs will ruin computer gaming further just like microtransactions did.
However, I disagree with that statement. If NFTs were in DnD they would be a lawful neutral force, they are not good or evil they are just a tool and being a transparent and open tool it makes them more easy to keep track of.
If anything NFTs should provide more consumer protection for digital game downloads than the present model of Microsoft being all like “trust me bra, we got this” until one day they just remove the game from the store and leave no public evidence that you ever owned it.
However, I also 100% guarantee that game companies are going to use this to further monetise the market for pointless crap cosmetics and strip even more out of a game to sell back to the player later.
But people shouldn’t hate the technology, that’s like hating the internet because game companies use the internet to download microtransactions, it really makes no sense. Hate the companies and hate the people buying their garbage.
submitted by /u/xavierwest888
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