There was a time when you could come here and get an immediate grasp of what is happening in the market. The market is crashing? The top post would be a discussion about the events that lead to it. Nowadays you have to scroll through a cesspool of low effort bullshit that only makes the crypto market look like a ponzi scheme. This sub has lost its bearing, even more since the Moons bullshit.
I can’t wait for a killer bear market to weed out the shitty content. I don’t care about your feelings, I don’t care if you bought, sold or shoved crypto up your ass. If you got into Crypto just looking to become a millionaire, fuck you and leave this sub.
EDIT: If you’re response to this post is “you’re angry because the market is down” or “go ahead and unsubscribe” I’m simply blocking you because you’re just the type of idiot I’m looking to weed out.
submitted by /u/mannix_marauder
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