And when I say anyone that means other than me on this post. I’ve been a contributor on this sub and other crypto subs for the past 4+ years.
I’ve made plenty of profit because of the time I’ve been invested in this market but like many others, I’ve made some investments at times that I shouldn’t have. I jumped in right before the tippy top of 2017. I mined a lot during the bear market. But I didn’t invest much.
Now that I have some extra cash I’ve decided to buy a little over the past several months. I thought to myself “I’ll check out some of the coins/tokens that are talked about here and then make a decision for myself.” Almost every coin/token I’ve bought that I read about on here has gone down. I don’t mean just a little bit. It’s gone down significantly. Like more than 50%. This place has turned into a complete pile of garbage. Maybe some of these coins will be ok in the long run but right now it’s a giant shill fest. You’re better off waiting to see what happens during the next bear market when it comes to alts.
I’m still buying for the long term but I urge you new comers to stick to the blue chips for now. 99% of the Alts will go to zero long term. Please don’t yeet into these coins. Fight the urge. It’s not worth the risk. No one on this sub knows what they’re talking about. It’s all for moons.
I obviously see the irony in this post but this is what we used to do before moons. We actually tried to help each other. Unfortunately many who used to post here stopped a long time ago.
submitted by /u/ztkraf01
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