I’ve been noticing recently that people are saying “the ones saying buy the dips are only throwing $20 at it”
So what? There buying crypto not every single person can throw a couple hundred dollars at every dip, some people don’t have the luxury of having expendable fiat to throw into crypto if they did they would put more in crypto
What you need to understand is not everyone has a high paying job or the cost of living in there area is higher then some, or they have a family to support and $20/week is all they can afford to spend on crypto. so how much you throw at a dip should be irrelevant
What does matter though is that there at least buying the crypto dip and the amount shouldn’t be criticized. Instead we should be applauding the fact there at least thinking of there future
$20/week times 52 weeks= $1,040 a $20 buy order does add up quickly over time
TLDR: We shouldn’t be criticizing peoples buy order amounts we don’t know what there finances or weekly expenses are. There at least buying crypto when they can
submitted by /u/Ndivided132
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