We all know how volatile and unpredictable coinbase can be…
I have been around for many years, since 2013 to be exact! So I just want to say, whenever there is a massive sell off/dip/crash, Coinbase always goes down for maintenance.
Bitcoin is down almost 45% since it’s All Time High price and I know that seems pretty scary. But Dips are your opportunity to load up your bags with some more cheap crypto!
You will definitely know when the Dip is serious, when Coinbase goes down before anyone even knows there’s a dip coming…
So I just want to say even though Bitcoin is down almost 45% since it’s all time and it looks like it’s crashing to zero… There is actually nothing to be worried about! 🙏
Buckle up and strap yourselves! Next lift off will be straight to 100k+
Hodl till Moon 🚀🚀🚀
submitted by /u/Hodlbag
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