Bitcoin could go up to $150,000 or down to $1,000, either way I’m never going to sell it. Bitcoin can go to $1,000,000 or down to $0.50, either way I’m never going to sell it. This is not an asset you sell.
I’m going to get a lot of slack from people who will retort ‘It’s okay to take profits!’ ‘Stupid mindset’ ‘No point watching your bags die in winter!’ But they are completely missing the point; missing the point that there is no asset greater worth investing in, there is no harder money, no better store of value protected by decentralized global cryptography, no property that is safer to have and easier to move.
Anyone who sells their Bitcoin is still in the fiat mindset, trapped by it, unable to think outside themselves, ignorant to what sound money is and could be.
So go ahead, day trade digital gold for your peasant reserve notes. My keys will be in my will.
submitted by /u/Jxntb733
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