As of this morning, the Harmony network grinded to a halt yet again. See for proof. I’m super conflicted on how I feel about this. I have been a ONE supporter and fan from early 2021 onward, and I’m super excited for the future since amazing dApps are being built on it as we speak. It seems so odd that they have dozens of people working on development, but somehow they can’t figure out how to handle their RPC or prevent/fix spam attacks on the network.
The main reason I’m going to stick around is the amazing group of people and developers that are in this space. The developer of decided to run his own RPC and there’s a couple of other groups/people as well that try to support the Harmony Ecosystem in any way they can.
Props to the people that are working on this 24/7, but it’s time to grow up and fix stuff. We’re a Top50 coin now, time to move forward, onwards and upwards!
submitted by /u/atticusNL
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