The newest numbers detailing the amount of ad campaigns that are currently running on Brave worldwide are staggering!
Today there are 5525 campaigns effectively running and being seen by the users!
These number is a new ATH!
The increase of campaigns is massive: on this day in 2021 there were 1359 campaigns running.
This means a plus of over 300% in one year!
Calculated for half a year, taking the 14th of June 2021 as the day, we see 4085 campaigns.
Which in turn gives us a growth of over 35% in 6 month!
Of course not all the regions have the same amount of ads shown.
the top 10 regions are as following:
To find out how many and what ads are being shown in your region, visit Brave Ads in My Region ( .
To see examples of ads run around the world, visit Home – Brave browser sponsored image archive
Ad campaigns are bought with BAT or the any other currency, which will be exchanged to BAT by Brave. Brave in turn will redistribute the earned BAT as rewards to the users.
The digital ad industry today is worth hundreds of billions, and will grow to a trillion+ dollar industry this decade.
Those numbers are really bullish for the future of Brave and its token BAT, and i feel like the future is really bright for this project!
submitted by /u/phaisto
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