The salty, highly upvoted post mocking dogecoin being accepted at Tesla for some items – the sixth largest company in the world in market cap, and undoubtedly one of the most visible companies in the world, accepting the purchase of items with cryptocurrency – priced in cryptocurrency and not fiat – is absolutely disgraceful. It shows what this sub is – not an advocate for cryptocurrency, but a thinly veiled place to be tribal and act salty when other people’s bags do well.
That’s pathetic.
This is a win for cryptocurrency in general. I’ve been around this space since 2013. Back then, Bitcoiners were screaming for companies to accept cryptocurrency and price things in cryptocurrency. Then when it happens 8 years later, the primary attitude about it is salt just because the cryptocurrency of choice isn’t in the bag of certain people in the sub.
Grow up, take a step back, and recognize this as a win for cryptocurrency. We are in this together.
If it was your cryptocurrency of preference being accepted, you’d magically consider it a good thing. That’s the truth.
Note: My bad, this is a remade post – the original was closed as I shared it on my Twitter, which I have found is against this subreddit’s rules.
submitted by /u/billymarkus2k
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