Last year, several gaming studios announced plans to roll-out NFTs on their platforms, and the backlash was swift. Gamers threatened to cancel their Discord membership, Square Enix got criticized for introducing NFTs in Kingdom Hearts, Ubisoft got panned for a similar NFT program last month…
At first, I was aghast. Why would gamers reject so violently a new technology? I am not a gamer myself, so it was troubling.
But I read about it, and I came to this conclusion : gamers are not against to NFTs, they are against microtransactions cash-grabs. And to them, non-fungible tokens are nothing more than another way for studios to make more money. But this will change.
From what I read, the gaming industry has been plagued by microtransactions for quite some time now. You pay $60 for a game, and yet, you need to fork out more money to buy clothes, armor, weapons, etc., for your character. That pisses off players, and rightly so. So when big studios such as Square Enix or Ubisoft announced plans to offer NFTs, those same gamers are pissed off : they only see this technology as another form of microtransactions.
(There are also energy consumption concerns, but as most NFTs are build on Ethereum, those concerns will evaporate in six months when it switch to proof-of-stake.)
That’s why I think that, in the long-term, NFTs will find a way into the gaming industry. When/if big studios find ways to make it enticing for players, the revolution will begin. The tech will mature, the fears will fade away, and our ecosystem will benefit from this.
submitted by /u/busterrulezzz
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