I was reading an article about another blockchain game. And I was thinking about the current state of blockchain games. getting crypto from doing things I enjoy would be fine, but we don’t want to change why we play video games for fun. I think blockchain gaming is a great idea and beneficial for those that make money, but a lot of people don’t play games to make money. It’s all about having a good time.
This, I believe, is what most blockchain game devs are now unaware of. As a gamer, I believe the game should be fun first, with tokenomics as a later consideration – but blockchain games are currently handling things the wrong way.
A game created on the primary purpose of play-to-earn will necessarily be a shitty game, because it will feature grindy bullshit at its core rather than good gameplay. I mean I love some good MMORPGS as a person who enjoys them and as a member of a generation that used to grind a lot. Grinding is acceptable for me as long as the game is good.
I’m sure there is a place for blockchain technology in gaming and some of it will almost certainly be great. Instead of trying to come up with a horrible play-to-earn or pay to win grind that will be terrible, I want a studio to make a terrific game with some blockchain integration. Perhaps this will encourage game developers to abandon the pay-to-win approach.
submitted by /u/EleonorTrimpe
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