submitted by /u/CryptoAddict420 [link] [comments]
Day: January 20, 2022
The hearing: First speaker: Diana Degette: She said the focus of the hearing is on...
Came across this article from 2004, a group lobbied hard to put an end to linux, terming...
The hearing: TLDR: Bullish and interesting Question 1 from Diana Degette to Ari Juels Is there...
submitted by /u/allstater2007 [link] [comments]
Cardano is just a whitepaper (2017) Cardano is vaporware (2017) Cardano doesnt even have light wallets (2018)...
As we all know the crypto space practically follows Bitcoin line for line. Looking over the year...
How can I put this🤔 Facebook is like a really invasive stalker or ex who plants bugs...
Hello everyone and welcome to Moon Week for round 22 of Moons! For more information about Moons,...
So currently for these past few months I’ve been DCA SOL and ALGO and staking some of...