Jim Iannazzo was fired after being recorded making derogatory comments to young, female store staff: https://mobile.twitter.com/naveedajamali/status/1485275431465107462
Fairfield Police Department incident report: https://fpdct.com/news-releases/subject-arrested-in-robeks-disorderly-incident/
A short time later, Iannazzo returned to Robeks and confronted employees, yelling at them and demanding to know who had made the smoothie which contained peanuts, causing his child’s allergic reaction. When employees could not provide Iannazzo with the answer he became irate, yelling at the employees using a number of expletives. He then threw a drink at an employee, which hit their right shoulder. The employee reported that they had no complaints of pain or injury. Iannazzo also made comments toward an employee referencing their immigration status.
The incident concerned where he calls the shop staff ‘fucking immigrants’ and throws the drink is here: https://np.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/sas89e/hey_merrill_lynch_your_dog_jim_lannazzo_wealth/
Already picked up and being reported by the mainstream media:
Jim might be an isolated example of the hypocrisy and self-serving oligopoly of bankers who revel in telling us how and where we can spend our own money, but this incident is a the perfect example of why we don’t need folks like Jim having ANY influence whatsoever in our financial lives.
Today a little Karma seems to have descended and Jim is now persona non grata in the financial world.
Hoping Wendy’s might reach out and offer Jim an ‘opportunity’…
submitted by /u/sandygws
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