I’ve been investing in crypto for nearly a year now, so I’m in every way still a beginner. I decided to try purchase my first NFT yesterday, and holy hell was that confusing. Still is. I used my MetaMask account had $200 worth of ETH on there, tried to bid on something worth .007 eth but noticed I had to change it? Okay did the steps ended up back with Poly??? Or some sort of “wrapped ETH”And now down to $70 due to gas fees.. worse yet I don’t even have the NFT. Just imagine going out to buy a $7 dollar beer only to be charged $130 then only to have the bar tender give it someone else.
I know there must have been steps I did not understand and may have screwed things up a little. But holy hell if we want this to be a thing of everyday use, this shit can’t be happening.
EDIT- thank you everyone explaining things to me. Im not trying to shit on anything and I still have full belief in where we are heading. I understand now that we are still very early stages and I guess I’m just used to being late to parties. That and ETH is kind of a mess and there’s more than just OpenSea to purchase NFTs. Genuinely was unaware cardano has their own system for it.
submitted by /u/imkinda_adog
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