Disclaimer: This only really applies to those of you that have done their best to invest the majority of their money into “safer” crypto projects. If you’re freaking out because you YOLO’d your savings into Dogelonmars42069, then yeah, you might have to learn a few hard lessons.
For the rest of you who have done their best to invest in more time proven projects like BTC/ETH its time to buckle up relax and wait for this all to blow over. Freaking out and panic selling to save a fraction of your investment wont help your future self.
Nobody knows anything. This might be a blip or a bear market. The best way to last in this space is to take a breather, zoom out, and realize eventually everything is gonna be alright. Success does not happen overnight.
If you’re freaking out now because you made some bad investments or over-extended yourself use this time as a learning opportunity.
I am not a crypto wizard. I made every mistake a newbie could make. Back in 2017-18 you could buy crypto with credit cards lol. But what I hope I’m conveying is that if you hold onto your coins you’ll most likely come out ahead eventually. In 2018 was so depressed and mad at myself I just uninstalled my apps and didnt look at my crypto until 2020. But then it got better and most of the projects I invested in back then started doing well again. If I had sold and not weathered the dip I would’ve been even more angry at myself.
Remember to take time for yourself. Stop staring at reddit and charts all day. Please talk to someone if you’re thinking about self-harm. It gets better yall. =)
submitted by /u/guybrush_threepwould
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