Title says it all, it is so hard to explain to anyone about crypto. They all just treat you with deep suspicion and repeat the same pre-programmed lines back to you from the banking and media industries.
You guys handle your own currency transactions? You mean that magic internet money?
It’s like, you want decent interest returns for holding your money and lower fees on transactions? Yes! Then stop using the middle man of a bank and start using crypto and stop letting your money get eroded by fees and inflation……..But banks are safe for my money, I have a savings account with 0.0000000% interest!
Banks! It’s got what you crave! It’s got interest!*
You don’t have a savings account with a bank you have lies, they give you a few $$s here and there while they are making huge investments out of your money AND the inflation is actually depleting your savings account even more money. They should be called deflation accounts and not savings accounts!
Of course I have to add not to dump ALL that you have into the nearest shitcoin and wait for ‘those lambos’ to arrive but people that aren’t invested at all in crypto or who paper hand out at the first dip are going to seriously regret it down the road! Those that become their own banks and handle their own finance are going to have significantly more wealth the longer we go while those that let the middle men of banking horde their money will find they have nothing left!
submitted by /u/xavierwest888
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