submitted by /u/Weeiam [link] [comments]
Month: January 2022
Hi all I had a funny situation with my bank that I feel like sharing. One day...
So once again, we have a “Death Cross” looming in the Bitcoin chart. This is a “bearish”...
Please for the love of God stop lecturing imaginary people about not buying imaginary past dips and...
Mine was a shitcoin dex aggregator rugpull called octofi. Got cocky from easy bull run gains, put...
At the beginning of 2021 I got into crypto and like most newbies I was fomoing at...
Title says it all, but I know I have to write a bunch of shit here for...
Bitcoin could go up to $150,000 or down to $1,000, either way I’m never going to sell...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
submitted by /u/RossoneriEA [link] [comments]