I’ve seen a lot of opinions thrown out here, whether you should or shouldn’t tell your family, friends, neighbours about crypto.
The general consensus of this subreddit is always: “DCA and HODL!” Yes, the past already proved that it’s one of the best if not the best strategy out there. But do we really need to force this motto everywhere we go?
Shouldn’t we focus more on teaching them what crypto actually solves, how it can literally “change” or “transform” the world that were living it to a better place? One of the biggest benefits that crypto is offering to us, is that there will be no more total control of every aspect in our lives.
If these people will be interested in it, they’ll ask, and that’s time when we, crypto investors can try to direct them to the right way, and show them that crypto isn’t some get rich free quick scheme provided by Tai Lopez. Creating financial freedom from crypto or getting wealthy from it is only side effect.
Just my poor point of view. Have a nice day.
submitted by /u/GroundbreakingLack78
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