This post is going to be referencing one particular incident, but is an example which plays out quite often here. I would appreciate if you read the whole thing before you comment.
I’m sure a lot of you came across this post over the last day, as it was the top post in the sub for a while. It “discusses” the recent wormhole bridge hack, announces that a VC stepped in to replenish the lost funds, and boldly theorises that this VC did this to protect/save solana. The OP went on to suggest that this proves Solana is a sham and propped up solely by VC money.
While anyone with a basic understanding of the wormhole hack knows how wrong and full of misinformation that post is, I’m not even going to go into that in the interest of not making this post overly long. Scroll through the original thread and you’ll find people explaining how so if you’re interested, but it won’t mean much after you hear what I’m about to say anyway.
If anyone bothered to do as much as click on OP’s name, they’d see his pinned post is him going into detail about how crypto is a Ponzi scheme and he only invests/interacts with it in order to play the trends for money.
He is outright telling all of us that he’s only here to manipulate us for his own personal benefit, and this subreddit sent him and his misinformation to the fucking front page.
Read that again. 4.5k people in this sub upvoted AND defended the obvious misinformation from a poster, who has openly stated their intentions to mislead people for their own gain, simply because they read what they wanted to hear. I don’t even blame the OP honestly, if this sub is going to let themselves get taken advantage of that easy, let the guy have his moons.
This is the same sub that will comment “DYOR!!” under every single post. The same sub that shits on YouTubers who act unethically and mislead their fans. The same sub who makes fun of Dogecoin investors for not being able to think for themselves.
If you aren’t seeing how ridiculously tribalistic and hypocritical this is, you’re in denial at this point. This post isn’t a defence of solana, it’s obviously got its problems, but if you can’t see that the solana hate has beyond lost touch with reality in this sub, then you’re investing based on emotion, not evidence.
This subreddit has some cool discussion, some awesome people, but 4.5k+ people upvoted that dumpster fire of a post simply because it confirms their anti-sol bias. Don’t let this place become the mindless echo chamber r/buttcoin thinks it is, we’re better than that and crypto deserves better than that.
TL/DR: someone set out to mislead people, and the people of this sub ate it right up, and sent him straight to the front page without questioning it. Quit the tribalism and hate bandwagons, it doesn’t help anyone
submitted by /u/RyanShieldsy
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