Stick to your original plan. And if you don’t have one, try to establish one – even if it’s a simple DCA system without much more of an end goal than eventually having more money. Don’t get caught up in the hype which is very rapidly flooding into every person’s social media feed. The success of broader crypto and the individual projects themselves is not going to be decided in a few days; and if a project’s success is solely confined to a small number of green candles, then it’s probably not going to last long; look at its user base, its pipeline, its developers. Of course if the plan is to trade in the short term, look for trends to capitalise of off; but if you are simply looking for a longer term investment, look beyond a bull market (if this is one). There’ll be plenty more green periods to look forward to if crypto truly comes to be adopted at the rate and to the extent it seems it will.
submitted by /u/Pixeth_
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