I teach social sciences and humanities and have been teaching for over 5 years. In this time I’ve noticed rapid changes to student thinking and investment sentiment.
3 years ago I remember mentioning investment strategies in a yr 9 commerce class. We would cover boom and contraction cycles, and often always students would ask “sir do you own stocks and if so which ones”. Occasionally on the side we also would talk about the emergence of cryptocurrency but it was normally agreed as a risky and possible scam investment where internet people take your money.
Progressively I’m noticing more and more of my yr 9 classes and yr 11 business studies classes are mentioning crypto in their essays. I’ve noticed more discussion about it in class student to student as well student to teacher. and I’m even noticing how most of my students are already buying crypto as it’s something they can afford/achievable.
There’s a wise saying, listen to what your youth are talking about and you will see the future.
I’m listening and I’m liking.
submitted by /u/UhUhWaitForTheCream
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