Just a day or two of rising Bitcoin and already the price predictions are reaching to the sky. $100K by end-of-year is no longer good enough so there’s already a $200K mark in the sand.
Hey, if people want to waste time trying to predict the unpredictable, then who am I to knock them (and by extension am I wasting too much time posting about price predictions?), but there’s a larger issue at play.
Instead of looking to real world use cases, adoption rates, company profits, there is, instead, a relentless focus on unrealistic number chasing.
The real news about how crypto is being used more and more as a better, faster, cheaper alternative is constantly being drowned out, or worse yet, just downvoted to oblivion.
It’s getting tired folks. Real, real tired.
Here’s just a sampling (they’re going to be posted and reposted to death):
“Crypto Price Forecasts: Bitcoin to $200k, Ethereum to $12k” BusinessInsider Bitcoin Will Reach $200K-300k by the End of 2022 – Finyear Brock Pierce and Tom Lee tip $200K BTC in 2022, despite – Cointelegraph
submitted by /u/bkcrypt0
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