I like most of you newbies when I first wanted to get into crypto, hopped on YouTube in January 2021 and searched some newbie phrase “what should I do with 1k crypto” and more than likely bitboy pops up with his promising titles and digestible content. And at this time ETH was around 1500. So I like any newbie not wanting to miss out on big gains aped in my 1k. And although I’ve turned out fine, learned a lot, had some losses but mostly gains, I am still pretty pissed and disturbed by bitboys content. Watching him guarantee a 10k ETH and 200k BTC by Sept. 2021 is fucking outrageous and I really don’t understand how things like that are allowed. All you really have to do is say “NFA” and you’re in the clear to promise whatever you want? You can shill hopium to people who have no clue what they’re doing? Although I turned out fine, watching him talk about leverage trading and $600 XRP should be fucking illegal.
Anyways that’s my little vent.
Don’t listen to BitBoy
submitted by /u/motivated_user21
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