I posted this yesterday but it was removed by reddit because I said the website of the scam. Now I repost it without any information so please don’t ask for it. Anyway the website is now deleted so you can’t see anything.
I own a telegram group where this morning an user entered telling everyone to be quick because today it was starting the private sale of a new coin.
I looked at its website and it was clearly made by an amateur. It’s whitepaper was a joke.
However, the devs officially doxxed themselves and most users in their “official” telegram group were starring to believe in this scam.
I noticed some users were clearly fake, saying things like “I follow this project since 1 year and it’s amazing” but I checked and the group was created just few days ago so how they were following this project since 1 year ago?
I then decided to contact on LinkedIn the 2 official admins of the project. They both answered me that they had nothing to do with it and clearly someone took their names and photos and posted them on that website.
45 minutes were remaining before the private sale would start. By the way, the private sale was going to work in this way: they would publish a bsc address and everyone had to send bnb at that address. In exchange they would receive back these new tokens.
I posted in their group that admins were liars and that the people listed in the official website were not related to this project in any way.
They accused me of fud, I had no proofs. Also they were deleting most of my messages.
Then I tried what I thought was impossible, because only the worst amateur would make such a mistake: I did a whois of the domain of their website and found out the website was created just 2 days ago, and I found the name and the address of the owner. This guy didn’t even think to hide it properly.
At this point it was just few minutes before the official launch of the private sale. I simply posted in the group the name and the home address of the scammer and then “if anyone will be scammed, just give this name to the police”
Admins abandoned the group immediately, countdown went to 0 but no private sale started. They literally disappeared and they had no opportunity to scam anyone.
Obviously they were amateurs, it’s harder with professional scammers, but I’m proud that I destroyed the plan of these scammers who invested money and time in creating their website and preparing this scam.
submitted by /u/Trevigol
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