Everyone talks about missed opportunities, but sometimes the opportunities are right in front of them and they fail to take advantage, to recognise them. People are still sleeping on ”insert your favourite coin here”. If you want to buy BTC or ETH, do it now! If you want to buy ADA, NANO, DOT, MONERO, ETH, MATIC, AAVE, ALGO, UNI, LTC or any from the 11,000~ cryptos, do it now !
Sometimes, luck is when opportunity meets preparation. The opportunity of a lifetime has been in front of people for a months if not years now! Many people dismiss crypto because they don’t understand it. Instead of giving an hour of their time to begin learning about the problems that crypto solves.
Stop listening to good ol’ banks. They don’t care about you. Be aware, and have clear frame of mind.
Born too late to explore the Earth. Born too early to explore the stars. But born just in time to invest in Cryptocurrency. Don’t hesitate to take opportunities. It’s your time now !
submitted by /u/GroundbreakingLack78
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